This page created 10-26-2003 22:20:13
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 10/24/2003
I (Jeff) have been talking about making an engine/generator for long range robotics. I have played with a 3HP 2-cycle engine and a car alternator. That works great but it is big and requires manual starting. I started a project with a 1HP 2-cycle engine and a DC motor for a generator. I never finished that. This is my latest attempt. It is a 1HP (1-1/2HP?) 2-cycle engine and an EV-Warrior DC motor. I wanted to use a toothed belt but I can't find my box of pulleys. I found these #25 sprockets. The engine and motor together will be about 11 inches long and about 7 inches high. Hopefully the motor will act as a starter and a generator.
Jeff's new engine/generator project. This is the approximate mounting layout. |
Alan's mill, about to be converted back to a lathe. |
Alan set up the lathe so I could enlarge the holes in my sprockets. I needed to go from 3/8 to 7/16. |
My drill bit was larger than the drill chuck. So Alan set it up with a boring bar. |
The sprocket on the left is the new 7/16. The one on the right is the original 3/8. |
A new sprocket on the engine. |
A new sprocket on the motor. I used a nylon tube as a spacer between the metric motor shaft and the 7/16 hole in the sprocket. |
The engine and motor together. |
Bruce Shapiro brought over his Anemone made from stepper motors. |
The bottom looks like this. |
This is what happens if you connect a 3 Volt 100 Amp supply to a 5 Volt 5 Amp supply. I missed all the smoke. |
So they decided to check a few things before plugging it in again. |
Jeff was running the motors with his simulator program. |
Alan was running the motors with his C programs. |
Lining up all the tubes to a home position. |
When it stops they all come back to home position. |
Measuring for wire and pedestal length. |
More measuring. |
Jeff made this test module with LEDs. It connects in place of the motors on the driver board. |
Alan made a ring of stepper motors. |
Peter Kilian got this small skull as a prize for a presentation he made at the Science Museum. |
Alan is installing new cabinets in the kitchen. |
It is that new cardboard veneer you have been hearing about. I knew cabinet construction was getting cheaper. But I think he should have gone to another store... |
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