This page created 10-22-2003 01:12:11
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 05/23/2003
Terry Schumacher brought his robot. |
Alan is checking the PWM signal. |
Terry is baffled. It turned out to be slow opto isolators. |
Terry doing some programming. |
This is Jeff Martin's temperature sensor project. |
The board on the left has 16 thermocouple inputs. The board on the right talks to multiple sensor boards and stores the data. |
Debugging the boards. |
Making some modifications. |
Jeff writing software. |
Jeff Sampson donated a wireless network box. So we have wireless ethernet at RSOH now. |
Alan passed out from all the excitement. |
Jeff has this new micro tower case. It is about 3/4 the size of the mid tower behind it. |
Some of the wood frame for Research 3. One is bare wood and one has white primer. You can see it gets painted green. |
Here is the new Resaerch 3 sitting in front of Jeff's house. |
The battery box on the bottom can hold two 12V 26Ahr batteries. |
The electronics will go where the Radio Shack perf board is. |
All connection to the computer are made on the back. |
The 12 volt invertor got replaced with an APC 280S UPS. The UPS is connected to one of the big batteries in the battery box. |
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