This page created 10-22-2003 00:21:53
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 04/25/2003
Brynn came over to help. Brynn also has one of these arms. |
Alan is making a cable to connect the laptop computer. |
One of the control boxes. |
The new custom cable. |
Now how does this thing work? |
Alan writing some control programs. |
Brynn is amuzing himself with the orange ball. |
Driving the robot from the manual controller. |
Uh... Why did it do that? |
This is a timelapse picture of the arm moving. (I just turned off the flash on my (Jeff) camera. |
Using the 'remote' reset button. |
Using the robot arm to bounce the orange ball. |
Whack! |
The manual controller looks like this inside. |
Now why did it stop working? |
Alan added this Rapid-O-Graph pen to the end of the arm. |
Jeff tests another Research 3 mock-up. |
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