This page created 10-21-2003 11:49:31
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 03/14/2003
For some reason these guys had wild colored hair. |
No matter what you are thinking, we didn't do this. It was NOT a result of an experiment gone bad. REALLY!!!! |
Jeff brought his Research 3 robot prototype. This is a test fitting of a mini tower case computer. |
Another test fitting with the computer standing up. |
The new battery box is designed for two 12 volt, 26Ahr batteries. |
This is a 12 volt to 120 volt AC invertor. |
The bottom with the new axle that Brynn made in the last episode of RSOH. |
Alan's collection of Cray computer artwork. |
Jeff playing with his RSOH editor program. That is the program I'm using right now to create this page. |
A sample RSOH page. |
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