This page created 10-20-2003 20:34:03
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 02/02/2003
We didn't have a clamp for the back. So we used electrical tape. |
Alan cutting parts. |
Since we didn't leave connecting tabs, we had to hold the part down as it finished the cut. |
Some one suggested (maybe Ron) that we could let the mill drill the holes. (That worked great until we had a bunch of kids try to assemble these.) |
A completed arm without the base. |
Jeff is cutting the post. |
Using the fench and a spacer to set the length. |
A cut a stack of panels for Alan to use on the mill. |
I was cutting small lengths of dowel for spacers. They were binding in the saw and they would come out at about 100MPH. That got old (and painful) real quick. I increased the lentgh of the spacer on the fence and that fixed the problem. |
I made a jig to drill holes in tha spacers. I had a shallow hole in the 2x4 to center the spacer to be drilled. |
Drilling more spacers. |
I used a vise as a jig to drill the side hole in the post. |
Jeff doing more (monotonous) drilling. |
Alan doing more (monotonous) milling. |
Inspecting a post. |
Drilling a hole in the bottom of the post. I used the same shallow hole in the 2x4 for alignment. |
Some spacers and arm pieces. The fuzzy edges of the paneling came off quickly with sand paper. |
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