This page created 10-20-2003 20:20:17
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 01/31/2003
I (Jeff) setup a test pattern for my laser ranging system. |
The pattern is four sheets of plastic taped to the wall. |
The is the video image the camera sees. All that noise may be related to my motor problem. |
Jeff's mill. |
The mill is driven from a computer. |
We put a Dremel flexible shaft in the Z stage. |
Close up of the cutter. |
We have a Zip bit in the Dremel shaft. We are aligning to that point. |
Checking the size. |
Checking the size again. |
Cutting a part out of paneling. The vacuum cleaner is a must. |
Jeff is holding the part down and holding the vacuum cleaner. |
Starting a cut. |
Almost done. |
We decided to try a bigger bit. |
It makes a much wider cut. And it seemed to be chattering. |
Crop circles. No, I guess this was a problem we had. The depth was changing as it cut. We turned up the current on the Z stepper motor to get more torque. |
Another view of the crop circles. |
Cutting pieces out of wood. |
Cutting wood. |
Cutting wood. |
A finished robot hand. |
Alan is drilling the screw holes. |
A finished robot model. |
It occured to us that we could do a whoile panel at the same time. Or maybe we were moving the position by hand for each part. |
This placement must have been done by hand. They don't look very straight. |
Cutting more pieces. |
A whole pile of arm pieces. |
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