This page created 11-04-2002 02:30:59
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 09/23/2002
This is Jeff's welder that hasn't been used for about 20 years. |
We started by installing a dryer outlet in Brynn's garage. |
Brynn is ready to start practicing. |
Bzzzt. |
First results. |
One of the Power Wheels has a broken frame. So better practice on that. |
Bzzt, Sputter, #$%@^ |
Here is the real job. A BMW exhaust. |
About ready to dive right in. |
No, we better make sure it is tight. |
On second thought, maybe a little more practice. |
Bzzt, Bzzzt, Bzzt |
Hmmm... |
Well, not the best in the world. |
Bzzt, $%^#&, Hey there's a hole in it. |
Bzzzt, Bzzt |
OK, where's that exhaust system. Better than it was. |
Jeff wants to try. |
Bzzt. Looks pretty hot on the back. |
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