This page created 11-04-2002 02:05:47
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 09/06/2002
Jeff starts working on a video digitzer. |
The Internet sure is handy for finding data sheets. (Thanks Al) |
Half the parts. |
This is the Sugar Cube CMOS camera. |
This is one of the larger CCD cameras. |
The digitizer ready for testing. |
Shining a laser dot on the paper. |
You can see the laser dot on the paper and a black dot on the screen. This is right off the comapator. |
More testing of the logic. |
The black dots are what the logic sees. |
A color filter wheel from Axman. The light is red, green and blue when it passes through. |
The light is cyan, magenta and yellow when it reflects from the filter. |
We tried punching the rivets out to get the filter apart. |
Turns out the glass was glued in. So we used the Brynn method. |
Here are some of the peices that were broken off. |
Playing with a big motor and flashlight batteries. There was a big YELP when the principal of inductive kick was demonstrated. |
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