This page created 11-04-2002 01:47:43
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 08/30/2002
Jeff's Earth Explorer robot electronics. Using power from a desktop case. |
An Imagenation digitzer card to be installed. |
Alan doing more research. |
Ron brought over his Carpet Rover. |
He wants to use this Palm Pilot to control it. |
Here he is demonstrating the gimbaled frame. |
He has these infrared distance sensor to install. |
Here they are adjusting the range. |
Testing the range. |
Testing to see which motor is affected. |
Avoiding the stove. |
Testing in a corner. |
Avoing people. |
Ron is explaining the mechanism to Peter. |
Top view of Ron's R/C receiver |
Bottom view of Ron's R/C receiver |
Parts to build a servo. A 20 turn pot and a pager motor. |
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This page is currently maintained by Jeff Sampson