This page created 05-13-2002 16:17:07
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 05/03/2002
Alan's new toy car. |
We had to poke at it for quite awile. |
Alan went out and bought an actual stand and light for the microscope. |
Another picture of the PIC-SERVO board. |
Jeff was working on this PIC board. |
Here it is with the MicroChip in-circuit debugger. |
A closeup of the LCD display. |
Alan played with some images in MatLab. |
This is an edge detection on one of Jeff's laser ranging images. |
MatLab has all kinds of cute little functions. |
One of the built in demos on image compression. |
A moving blob they use as their logo. |
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This page is currently maintained by Jeff Sampson