This page created 05-13-2002 15:29:26
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 04/12/2002
We started out by running a cable from the office area to the workshop. We installed a network card in the computer. After some playing around we had Linux talking to the Internet.
Brynn bought some high precision red color filters. If I remember right these are tuned to the color of a helium neon laser. So we had to look at everything through these filters to see how it looked. The reasoning is that these can be used to pass laser light and block the ambient light. But you can see from the pictures that white light goes through also.
After things got boring we started taking things apart.
-- Jeff Sampson
Making an ethernet cable so we have an Internet connection in the workshop. |
Installing a network card in the computer. |
Brynn bought these high tech color filters for his laser ranging. |
This is what Alan looks like through a red filter. |
The light through the filter. |
A diet Mountain Dew can through the filter. |
Here is a red book with yellow and white lettering. |
The same book through the filter. |
Bryan is taking a picture with the filter. |
Alan is taking an HP plotter apart. |
The insides of the plotter. This one has stepper motors. |
One of the slide mechanisms with various pulleys and cables. |
This RAM chip was missing its cover. But it aparently still worked. |
Taking a hand scanner apart. |
We had the Guinea Pig out for awhile. |
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This page is currently maintained by Jeff Sampson