This page created 04-11-2002 17:10:37
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 04/05/2002
Jeff continues to assemble his Open Source Motor Controller boards. |
This is a completed board with 2 sets of FETs. |
The board from another angle. Notice that I chose to leave some parts off. |
Two boards connected to a Larry Barello uMOB R/C controller. |
The objective today is to get interface Alan's new motor controllers to the Etch-A-Sketch project. |
Jeff is making a custom cable to connect to the Pitman motors. |
Of course any project requires finding the correct harddrive. |
And writing some Linux software. |
And when all else fails, read the manual... |
Here is one of the first plots using the new interface. |
This is a bigger plot. We decided the nonsymetry is due to slippage in the Etch-A-Sketch. |
Then we connected the controller to one of the large Globe motors. |
The ol' tape on the shaft trick. These motors have 131,000 counts per rev of the output shaft. (500*65.5*4) |
Ron is checking out the handy work on Alan's board. |
Jeff found this chart recoder at the Iowa State University surplus sale. |
This is what it looks like inside. |
Alan is fiddling with the knobs to make it draw something. |
Ron is using the scope to look at the output of his R/C receiver. He wants to know if the output pulses are consecutive. That will determine how he writes his software. |
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