This page created 10-08-2001 00:27:48
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 10/05/2001
I (Jeff Sampson) am working at Par Systems again. I had my camera at work because I was taking it to RSOh Friday night. So I stopped by the robot lab and took some pictures of one of the big X/Y/Z mills that they sell. This particular one is pretty good size. It is about 15 feet wide and about 30 or 40 feet long. It has about 8 to 10 feet of travel vertically. They sell these to people like Winebago and they cut out full size R/Vs out of foam blocks. Another company uses these to cut full size power boat molds out of foam. I see they have pictures of the boats on their web page.
So we didn't build this at RSOH. :-)
And I work on the nuclear side so I don't work on these robot systems.
This is a long shot of the mill so you can see the overall size. |
This is a test piece they are cutting. |
The business end of the cutter. |
You can see some test cuts on the back. |
Bob H. and Alan are drilling holes for the power amplifiers. |
Four amplifiers are bolted in. As well as a big terminal strip that Jeff had. |
Alan found these ribbon cables at ABC Electronics. They have DB50 connectors. |
We needed some hook-up wire so Alan and Bob H. playing tug-of-war. |
Now which one should I use... |
One channel wired up and running. Three more to go. |
Bob H. tested his micro CRTs and video cameras against Ron's setup. |
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