This page created 06-10-2001 01:09:03
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Kilian's Robot Shop of Horrors - 05/25/2001
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Jeff's TCRoboWar project
Jeff's TCRoboWar machine.
It's actually taking shape.
Test firing the gAss Rammer.
Filling the cylinder with
butane from a BIC lighter.
This wheel has to be
connected to the steel shaft.
Deciding where to put a hole
for a cotter pin.
Drilling the shaft.
Alan's new scooter
The beginning of Alan's new
It was decided to mount a
sprocket or pulley to the
back wheel.
More discussion.
This pulley was chosen.
The pulley was turned on the
lathe to cut out the center
Alan and Brynn trying to do
something TOO stupid. They
are trying to pull a barcode
reader apart.
An engine Jeff found in his
garage when looking for
something else.
Jeff's mill he was too lazy
to finish.
Another view of the mill.
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This page is currently maintained by
Jeff Sampson