This page created 11/7/2012

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Using RoboRealm to follow row crops

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This is a series of experiments with RoboRealm. Bob has a strawberry farm and wants automated equipment to drive autonomosly (at least steering) down a row.

Using Floor Finder

First I tried the Floor Finder algorithm to mask off the ground. Then apply a Center Of Gravity function to find the center. But the resulting image had more than just the row of interest. So I ended up using an image of a triangle to mask off the row of interest.

This image has way too much ground exposed.

This image uses a triangle to mask off the area of interest.

The following explains the steps to recreate this experiment. Here is the code to load: test5anew.robo

This is the list of steps.

Load the triangle image. This leaves this image as CURRENT. I added a MARKER to make a background copy of the image.

Load the actual image and it becomes CURRENT. (I only has a still image to work with.) I added a MARKER to make a background copy of the image to use later.

Next we run a Mean filter to blur the image.

Then run floor finder to isolate the ground.

Now we add a Math step to logically AND the triangle and the floor result.

Now we run Center Of Gravity to get the center of the floor blob. The Display_Variables just puts the numbers on the screen so we can see them.

The COG numbers can now be extracted various ways to control something.

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