There are examples for RoboRealm. I used a Philips SPC900 CCD web camera. The CCD web cameras seem to work much than the CMOS imager cameras if you want to use them outdoors. A neutral denisty will help also. One example shows sidewalk following. It uses test5a.robo and sidewalk1.wmv The other example tracks an orange traffic cone at a distance of 50 feet. It uses files track_conea_3.robo and either of the uvs090427-007_50feet files. The .wmv is much smaller in size but is compressed and has drop outs in RoboRealm. Probably tweaking the values in RoboRealm will allow it to run correctly. The .avi file is directly from the camera if you want to see how it works with this camera. But the file is large (86MB, it is only 60MB zipped). You can just view the results on YouTube here: